Choice Hacking

Why Steve Jobs Stole from a Hotel to Build the Apple Store (and you should too)

Episode Summary

When Steve Jobs and Ron Johnson — Apple’s then-Head of Retail — sat down to plan the store experience, they wanted it to be the best in the world. But they also knew they’d need some killer inspiration. So they started asking around in Apple’s offices to see what brands came to mind when people were asked, “What’s the best customer experience you’ve ever had?” The answer they heard over and over again wasn’t Walmart, Target, or Circuit City. It was a hotel... Join me today as I unpack why Steve Jobs stole from a hotel to build the first Apple store, the psychology behind his strategy, and why you should consider stealing some inspiration from them, too.

Episode Notes

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//SOURCES: Choice Hacking, Why Steve Jobs Stole From a Hotel to Build the First Apple Store (And You Should Too)