Choice Hacking

Idleness Aversion: Why we hate to wait (and what to do about it)

Episode Summary

Known for their long lines, Disney Parks spends millions making waiting in line fun. Disney World’s queues have puzzles, music, and interactive designs. For example, while waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion at Disney World, you can play ghostly musical instruments, see books that fly from their shelves, and even solve a murder mystery while you wait. Why does Disney spend millions a year to keep people entertained in line? It's down to a principle called Idleness Aversion. Join me today as I unpack the Idleness Aversion - what it is, how the world's biggest brands apply it, and how it can improve your marketing and customer experience.

Episode Notes

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//SOURCES: Choice Hacking,  What is Idleness Aversion?