Choice Hacking

The Gruen Effect: The fascinating ways store environments affect what (and how much) we buy

Episode Summary

Shopping can be a feast for the senses — color, light, smells, and even taste put customers into a state of emotional arousal. But what happens when that "feast" becomes too much for our brains to handle? Well, turns out we impulse buy, lose track of time, and forget what we came in for. It’s down to a psychological principle known as the Gruen Effect. Join me this week as we examine the psychology behind how IKEA and TARGET apply the Gruen Effect to their stores, and how you can (ethically) apply this principle to your own business.

Episode Notes

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Choice Hacking: The Gruen Effect: How IKEA’s Store Design Makes You Buy More

Choice Hacking: 5 Ways Target Uses Psychology to Perfect Its Experience 

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